Thursday, May 27, 2010

Old-Wives Tales

This one is just for fun. I always love to hear the old-wives tales about pregnancy and babies. Morning sickness means it's a girl; none means the baby's a boy. A woman from the Philipines once told me that I should take care not to block doorways or else I would have a difficult labor. Here are just a few others:

If you are 'babymooning' in Hawaii, don't expect to get leid upon arrival. Hawaiin supersticion says wearing a Lei can cause the baby to choke.

Sex kick starts labor. This one is actually true!

How are you carrying? Carrying high or having a small belly that sticks straight out means the baby is a boy. Carrying low or having a big round belly means the baby is a girl.

Faster heart rate means a girl, slower means a boy. This is one that my OB jokes with us about all the time.

The Mayan Tale- The Mayans believe that by adding the age of the mother at conception to the year of conception, the sex of the baby can be determined. If the number is even, the child will be a girl, odd you're having a boy.
Cravings- There are a number of variations to this one. Cravings sweets or fruits means the baby will be a girl. Salty or veggie cravings are a sure sign of a boy.
Wooden spoons, scissors and pink bows. Oh my! There's an old wives tale that says if the mother puts these three items under her pillow, she'll have a girl. How many husbands found scissors under the wifes pillow and started sleeping with one eye open?
Who was on top? Another old wives tale that claims to predict the sex of the baby says that the sex of the baby will be the opposite of whomever was dominant during conception. Another variation is whether the couple was face-to-face during conception. Good ole' missionary makes baby girls, while doggy style will give you a boy.
Moodiness and a little pecker. The theory here is that all the extra hormones from carrying a girl makes mom moodier. Conversely, having a little pecker insider her, makes mom happier. I have no idea how true this one is, but it makes me laugh.
Drinking water. Drinking plenty of water is important for health reasons, especially for pregnant women but not because it will cause the amniotic fluid to be 'dirty'.
Cats can steal the babies breath. This goes back to the time when cats were associated with witchcraft. The more likely reason behind a cats interest in baby's breath; it smells like milk!
If a new mother takes her baby to another woman's home and leaves something of the baby's behind, a woman in that household will become pregnant.

Feel free to comment with a few of your favorite old wives tales!

1 comment:

  1. Swinging a pendullum: depending upon which way it swings will determine if it's a boy or girl. (I just can't remember which way means which sex.)

    Heartrate: A faster heartrate has often been thought to mean it's a girl.


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